Friday, March 30, 2007

Vauxhall Corsa Was Not Made For The Taller Person....

..... and I have to drive it all the way to Milton Keynes and back.

This'll be interesting.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Blame It On The DJ

I decided this morning I should stay positive, despite:
having no job in two months
having to move to London and live on no money
my experiments, which were going through a really good patch, completely failing on me again
being full of goo (yet another cold)
being at least a stone overweight
not being at all sure where my current relationship is going

when the DJ starts one of those "back in the day" slots where he plays music from a particular year. This music reminds me of:
not having to worry about money
going to the other side of the world and having a bloody good time, every night
most of all, meeting a guy who I flirted with all the way up the east coast of Australia

Ah well, I guess I'd better get back to my experiment that doesn't work, figuring out how I'm going to get to my car rental tomorrow and applying for yet more jobs...

Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday Is Good Because....

....I had loads of results to show at the lab meeting this morning, and most of it worked as well!

....I got fed LOTS of lunch (although I did have to wait two hours later that I normally would for food, which was bad)

.....I got offers of two interviews.... although now I realise that they're two different groups operating in the same place, eeek

.....I didn't have too much work to do today, which was good given that I cant work on a) no food or b) too much food

Monday, March 12, 2007

Men Wearing Pink Trousers?

Just stop it, right now.

And, it is NOT the time of year to be wearing shorts.